I received a signed, hardback copy of The Dino Who Was Scared of the Dark by Manda Mac. First, I want to share how this lovely story is for readers aged four to seven touched my heart.
My three year old is a humongous fan of dinosaurs. He was eager to dig into the story, and I broke out various accents to bring this story alive. Not that I needed to.
Bronto Brody, a sweet little Dino, feared being in darkness. After his imagination got away from him, his big brother, Deino Dylan, speaks profound encouragement into his life based on the Word.
In addition, I love that Manda Mac incorporated an inspirational message about how fears can scary so many little children at night. This is a story to read again and again. And I absolutely cannot forget to share how surprised I was at the end… well, I suppose that’s not really sharing. But, without a doubt, you must purchase this new, awesome read to find out!