A fast-paced and heartwarming tale awaits in Sharon Dunn’s “Defending The Child”. Mari and Graham’s dedication to protecting Ian makes them such strong and amazing characters that readers will want to support. I even found a redeeming factor in Ian’s biological father’s reason to stay in town, giving me hope for his survival for his son. I won’t say more on that, so as not to spoil the story.
The first time Ian spoke and the word he said made my heart melt. Bravo to the author for gutting me in that moment 😉
The authors’ final note perfectly encapsulates what Love Inspired Suspense is all about. I extend my gratitude to Sharon Dunn for a fantastic love story emphasizing God’s timing and its suspenseful plot.
Defending The Child is perfect for fans of romantic suspense, cop procedurals, stories featuring foster youth and single moms, inspirational romance, redemption, second chances, mysteries, and forced proximity.
I was given a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher. All words are my own.
About the Author:
Ever since she found the Nancy Drew books with the pink covers in the country school library, Sharon Dunn has loved mystery and suspense. In 2014 she lost her beloved husband of nearly 27 years to cancer. She has three grown children. When she is not writing, she enjoys reading, sewing and walks. She loves to hear from readers. You can contact her via her website at www.sharondunnbooks.net.
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